


Talos F200i

Access to Krios G4 and Talos f200i

Machine time/ usage preference will be given to Partner institutes/organization of SERB-IITM cryo-EM facility. However, 20% of machine time is reserved for other users who have impactful research questions and research plan but are not part of this consortium or do not belong to partner institutes. Research plan and requests or applications for machine time/usage time will be discussed in monthly meeting to support such research initiatives.

Sample preparation and storage: Previously plunged samples are accepted with images to support that grid and samples both are useful for the machine time alloted to users. We encourage users to support their application with 2D classes, protein details, their funding and images from the screening process that should include:

(1) Over all image of grid and few grid squares
(2) Gridsquare image to show that you have good gridsqare to collect data on Krios
(3) 47-96KX magnification images to show molecules and their dispersion in the hole or support grids.

Please download and fill document for sample information. Also mention if the sample is P1/P2 level. Previously plunged samples are accepted with images to support that grid and samples both are useful for the machine time alloted to users.

Applicable charges for usage of facility: Bring your own consumables or we charge you for consumables as per the policy in the facility. Please check the link here for more details.

Vitrobot Mark IV

GloQube Plus Dual Chamber

Q150T ES PLUS Combined Sputtering and Carbon Coating System

Usual workflow for cryo-EM

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