SERB National Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Cryo - Electron Microscopy at IIT Madras
Advancement in high resolution imaging has led to greater understanding about life science and material science. Recent development in automation of data collection and computation software have revoutionised the field of life science and provided atomic resolution details of large molecular assemblies that were not possible a decade ago. In conjunction with other available techniques cryo-EM is helping us undertstand time lapse view of the highly dynamic interactions of assemblies in solution as well as in-situ (inside our cells and tissues). Therefore, cryo-EM has become a tool to realize our dream of connecting the dots between life science and material and chemical science.
Considering how important cryo-EM has become in the field of science, DST-SERB has setup a world class facility at IIT Madras to provide platform for researchers in and around IIT Madras to use cryo-EM and contribute to scientific advancement in the field of basic science as well as application oriented research.