About Us
In SERB cryo-EM facility at IIT Madras we provide platform for all round development of students and researchers. This includes training and teaching for undergraduate students, graduate students, orientation for application of cryo-EM in basic and applied research. In addition we also provide extensive training for researchers starting from graduate level course. Researchers and faculty are also welcome to avail this training sessions to expand their research horizion. Overall, we has taken initiative to set up a cryo-Electron Microscopy imaging suite that houses state of the art infrastructure to help the scientific community to analyze variety of samples (Life Science, Material Science and Environmental Science etc) at a high resolution to unravel new aspects of scientific advancements and unravel yet unanswered questions at atomic level.
SERB National cryo-EM facility at IIT Madras houses a Titan KRIOS G4 a 300keV top of the line cryo-electron microscope equipped with fast camera/direct electron detector falcon4 and Talos F200i a 200keV cryo electron microscope.
At SERB national cryo-EM facility we are looking for greater collaboration with academics and industries to serve community through scientific enrichment.

Partner Institutions

Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)

Rajiv Gandhi Center for Bioinformatics (RGCB)

Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad (IIT Palakkad)

SASTRA Deemed University Tirumalaisamudram

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore

Madras Rubber Factory (MRF)

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Anna University